Gloria Dei Plans Amidst Coronavirus

With the on going concerns of gathering in person in large groups amid the coronavirus issue, we’re carefully monitoring and adjusting our plans as needed. We do not want to fuel panic, as we know our Lord and Savior Jesus protects us and directs all things for out eternal well-being. However, we also see a strong need to use the faculties God has given to make wise decisions that do not put people at risk, especially the most vulnerable among us.

For the time being, worship will go on as scheduled. We encourage everyone that feels they can’t make it to connect into our worship live streams at 10:30am on Sunday mornings. You can access those at the Gloria Dei YouTube Channel. Gloria Dei Lutheran School families should watch for communication from our faculty for the plans regarding our school schedule.

Two singular events that could be affected by this would be our planned Family Fun Night on March 27 and our planned Spring Bible Camp (Easter for Kids) on April 4. Please watch here for more information regarding those events as they come closer.

We commend all of these concerns to our Savior who has defeated the devil and brought life and immortality to us through the gospel message. Keep those who are most vulnerable as well as our leaders and medical professionals in your prayers as they seek the good of those entrusted to them. Also ask that your eyes may be opened to see opportunities to serve those around you as the opportunities present themselves.

If you need any special pastoral care in the midst of all of this, please let Pastor Shrimpton know.